What is Scouting...........................

Once a Scout is always a Scout...
Scouting is one of the best voluntary organisation in the world.Now scouting is spread out on almost all over the world.Scouting can be define easily as,scouting is agame ,an educational valued game.The founder of world scout movement is Sir Robert Stephen sons Smith Baden Powel.He is known as BP.He was an military officer in Royal British army.In his official dutyhe found that by a series of training,children can be changed into citizens who will be the treasures of the nation through scouting.They will be with mutual helping mind and patriots.Acoording to his observation,he conducted a experimental camp with a number of childrenin 1907 July 31st to 8th August,held atBrown sea island near English channel.
   In 1908,he wrote a book named Scouting for boys.This book is known as thebible of scouts.And he also wrote a book Aids to scoutmastership for scout masters.
  For full time scouting,he resigned his military service.He was honoured as Lord and Sir by the Royal British government.
  BP suggested a uniform ofscout similer tothat of South African police.
  Scout moto is be prepared.

                                                         World scout flag
                                                            scout Investiture badge(Pravesh)
                                                          scouting in India


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